My battle against anxiety... my allies? Reborn babies !
Ever since I was little, it's no secret that I'm a very anxious person! The different milestones in life have been a real nightmare for me! Like for example, getting my driver's license or even having my first interview, I was crying, I was shaking and I lost all my means. How I wish I had known about reborn babies at this time in my life! There was even a time during my teenage years when I had up to two panic attacks a day! It is true to say that at that time, my days consisted of apprehending the worst, and this at every minute. I started medication at the age of 15, following a diagnosis of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).
As my mom has always had small businesses, she and I were passionate about small businesses in Quebec and we loved discovering new ones. To do this, we regularly went to craft fairs across Quebec. One day, while we were in an artisan fair, we came across a reborner who was displaying her reborn babies for sale. It was too late, I was already in love! The lady saw that I looked at them a lot and she even offered to take one in my arms. It was love at first sight, I couldn't believe how realistic the baby seemed to me! This one sold them for $200, I found it so expensive at the base! To say that today I buy babies that cost more than $1000. I was no longer interested in any other artisan, I even returned to his table three times to pick up the babies before leaving! We talked about it with my mother and it all ended there. My birthday was a few weeks away from this show, but I didn't care. On the night of my birthday, my mother tells me that my gift is in the yard, I open the door and I fall with the lady of the reborn babies in the living room! I'm so happy that I even start to cry, I can't believe my eyes. I name my first reborn baby Oscar, a premature little boy who fills me with love. I was taking my low student pay at the time to buy him linens and blankets, I quickly realized that in addition to calming my anxiety, Oscar was fulfilling a maternal need that I had had for a long time in me. My first baby, he did me so much good!
It's crazy how when I was having an anxiety attack, I would pick up my beautiful baby and lay on my back with it on my stomach. The weight of the baby on me calms me down and helps me a lot to control my breathing. I even manage to calm my first panic attacks alone, whereas before I couldn't! Reborn babies have a sweet smell inside them, which makes them smell like baby powder. This smell, it also helps me a lot to calm my panic attacks. Today, I have less than one anxiety attack per month! I'm so proud of myself, even though I'm going to have to struggle with anxiety all my life, now I know I have my reborn babies to help me deal with this one and calm me down.
Do you remember I told you my mom had a lot of small businesses? Well, head of the entrepreneur that she is, she started making and selling her little treasures! I myself tried the experience of creating these little beasts, and as if by chance, the benefits are multiple on this side too! On my birthday this year, my mother gave me my beautiful Jade, a baby she created herself with her nimble fingers! In the evening, I sit and rock my little loves when I feel less well, and they comfort me. They are my babies, my loves, my little treasures, and every time I renew my collection and sell a baby, I cry like a big baby sending them to their new home. It doesn't seem like much, but we really get attached to these little creatures!Today, I still struggle with anxiety, but I know that thanks to my reborn babies, I will never again feel like I was at that dark time in my life when I even thought about ending it. With that, I leave you, I'm going to cuddle my beautiful Jade, she's waiting for me!Sarah-Maude Landry, young mother of reborns and proud of it!