My reborn babies helped me come to terms with my infertility problem

.When the diagnosis was announced (anomaly and early menopause), I was told that it was impossible for me to conceive a child naturally. I then fell into a black hole, I who had dreamed since childhood of having children and starting a large family.
I felt my life falling apart with all my dreams and desires to have a family. One evening, by a happy coincidence, while browsing the Internet, I came across a group of reborn dolls. I then subscribed and started reading the comments on the group. There were mothers of all ages and from all over. These moms were talking about the benefits their reborn dolls brought them.
So, on a whim, at the first available doll that offered itself on the group, I took my chance to get one! When he arrived, I had no idea that it would be the start of a great passion and that this little reborn baby would be the bridge that would
help me accept the unacceptable, my infertility! These reborn dolls have all the features of real babies. By their weight, the small details, such as the veins, the marbling, the smell, the hair sometimes implanted one by one by hand, we almost end up forgetting that they are simple dolls. Taking them in my arms, rocking them and cuddle them helps me a lot to calm down. Over time, my family of reborns has grown and I now have different sizes. My reborn babies came to fill this maternal fiber in me. They are my
pride and my reason for living! Melanie Isabelle Proud mom of reborns